We want to help you give more of your time to the children by making the daily routine at the day-care, school and home easier.
The authorities also set requirements for a good information flow that MyKid handles nicely:
«Good information flow between family and day-care/ASA/school is important for both the children,
the parents and the day-care/ASA/school’s daily operation. It is first and foremost the daily dialogue
between parents and day-care/ASA/schools that contributes to good quality services for every individual child.”
NOR 2012: Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research
MyKid strives to be the only, the best, and the easiest communication tool in your day-care/ASA/school!
The day-care/ASA/school gets ONE arena for information sharing, instead of several different ones (bulletin board, shelf post,
door, walls, e-mail etc.). Guardians get information quickly and can take a look at it any time they want on their mobile phones!
One-time initial cost is NOK 6,000 and the price per SMS: 0,58 nok. All prices excl. VAT.
Development and adaptation of API by own agreement.
Contact us for more information about MyKid-OAS and MyKid-Archive.